Essential Colours
Some of our clients have been surprised to find that their documents contain different colours. Several have thought that the wrong document had been sent to them and that they were looking at a mangled draft. We used to send out documents without coloured text (about 10 years ago) but quickly realised that some of our clients were using them as they arrived and running into problems.
Why is there coloured text?
The coloured text has a purpose – to ensure that you have received exactly what you need.
Green Text – is used to bring to your attention places within the document that require additional information or for information to be checked by you as being accurate. In most cases the appearance of ‘Insert‘ will be sufficient as the requirement may be a remuneration figure or a percentage charged in the event of late payment. Elsewhere you may see ‘Insert registered address‘ or ‘Insert acceptable delay period‘
Blue Text – may be an explanatory comment on a section of the document content or, alternatively, advice regarding something that you should have in place before you introduce the document into your business. This could be a formal proposal document or a particular policy that is related to the document you have purchased.
What if I don’t have the policy or document that’s been referred to?
You may have one, but know it by another name. That’s the first thing to consider. The second thing to think about is whether the document you already have properly reflects recent legislation. Finally, you may have not considered that such a policy or document is relevant to your business and that it’s something you should have.
There are things in the document I don’t want. Can I take them out?
Please don’t. Your document has been constructed by someone with decades of legal experience to ensure that you’re as protected as possible within the limits that the law allows. No person or organisation can provide anything to anyone else without there being some liability in the event that something occasionally goes wrong. It would be nice to have a concrete umbrella, but that would work against you if you ever had to defend yourself in a court.
IF there is something in your document you don’t understand or you think that it doesn’t apply to you, you can raise a support ticket. You have three support tickets available for use anytime during the six months after purchase.
I need to talk to someone about it
Make an appointment to speak to someone by emailing